As most of my friends know, I try to be a little crafty — almost to the point where I’d make an excellent, domestic housewife. This past Christmas, I used the great services at Spoonflower to print out pictures of my friends’ dogs onto fabric. I then constructed pillowcases using the printed cloth swatches and materials that I got at this affordable fabric store, Trumart, as well as some old Ikea pillows my roommate has been wanting me to get rid of (two birds, one stone: making presents and getting rid of furniture). I used a combination of hand-sewn stitching and a cheap-ass, hot pink covered sewing machine my mom got me before I moved to New York to create what I consider one of the more thoughtful gifts I’ve ever produced. Let’s just say that the skills I learned in 6th grade Home Economics have helped me immensely (shoutout to Mrs. Schaudt), and with a little hard work and a budget of 40 dollars, I was able to create something my friends loved.
A part of me thinks I should open my own Etsy shop or sell a bunch of shit at Renegade Craft Fair (the latter, I did once back in 2008). Hipsters and twees would eat this shiznit up.